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  • Writer's pictureSimar Boparai

Four easy ways to improve client communication

Updated: Sep 5, 2020

. Make communication easy and comfortable.

Do your client know they can you reach when they need any help? Do they know how to ?

Strong client relationships require active communication, and that means your client needs to be comfortable reaching you out they should not think that the question they are going to ask is too silly or stupid. Talk to them in their mother language to make them comfortable psychology says " People easily trust the guy who are talking to them in their mother language".

2. Be a good listener.

Have you ever had a conversation where you felt like you just not being understood?

It's frustrating to feel like your message is not getting through.

obviously you don't want your client in this position. They'll start to think that you either are unable to communicate or that you don't really care about their concerns. If they think so they will be very soon on their way out.

To avoid this conditions you'll want to listen to your client. Don't start jumoing to the solution before listening to them.

3. Be in person.

Best way to connect with client is to meet them in person. Face-to-Face communication is just more effective. What if your business is fully online or remote? You still should be approachable. Put yourself into communication and allow your client to know a little more about you and your business.

4. Take responsibility for mistakes.

Sometimes we make mistakes. while we try to cover all bases and keep everything running smoothly, life happens on occasion.

Avoid this take responsibility for the mistakes you make don't try to hide them you put your mistakes to any third person if you take the responsibility for the mistake you will build your trust in the eyes of client.

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